American Eskimo Dog Breeders - Wachusett American Eskimos - Westminster, Massachusetts

American Eskimo Dog - Alpine's He Walks W O Sound - AKC Group 1

Ch. Alpine's He Walks W O Sound

Group 1

Cheshire Kennel Club
Keene, NH
August 6, 2006

Judge:  Mr. Kenneth Falconi

Our deepest thanks and gratitude to Mr. Kenneth Falconi* in giving an
American Eskimo Dog a Group 1 Placement... and to
Ms. Rebecca Carner under who's expertise and professional handling helped gain the recognition this boy so has earned and deserved.

And to Bonnie and Glenn Hardenstine, Kajika's breeders...

*Mr. Falconi told us that he had given group placements to American Eskimo Dogs before, but had never given one a Group 1 Placement!  Thank you again Mr. Falconi!

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